According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there were a total of 5,579 motorcyclist fatalities in the year 2020. The data reflects an 11% increase when compared to the number of fatalities in 2019. In addition, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists were about twenty-eight times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash and were four times more likely to be injured.

Motorcyclists are more susceptible to serious injuries and fatalities for multiple reasons, including heightened exposure to the elements and other vehicles, their low visibility, and their instability when compared to passenger vehicles.

Seek Medical Attention

After an accident in Long Island, seek medical attention regardless of whether you believe you sustained minor injuries or none at all. The medical professional will be able to assess you appropriately and diagnose any immediate injuries. Additionally, your doctor can tell you what to look out for to see if you’ve sustained an injury.

If you neglect medical treatment following a collision, you may have a harder time recovering damages. Know that the sooner you seek treatment, the better your chances improve both for making a full recovery and for fully recovering your financial losses.

In addition, it is crucial to document your injuries after your accident. Take pictures of any physical injuries you have sustained, including any swelling or bruising. Also, keep a detailed journal of the amount of pain you are experiencing and how your injuries are affecting your daily life. This includes your ability to perform everyday tasks, your inability to engage in activities you enjoy, and any time you were unable to work. This information will help your attorney determine the proper monetary amount in damages in your case.

Document the Scene

If you can, it is important to gather evidence surrounding the crash. Motorcyclists should ask for the names and contact information of any witnesses who observed the accident. Information provided by witnesses could provide helpful insight into what caused the accident and help verify your version of events. This is especially important when the defendant’s version of events differs from your own. Next, document the circumstances surrounding the accident. Key facts to take note of include: the weather conditions on the day of the accident, the damage to your vehicle and the other vehicle, nearby landmarks, the traffic pattern, and the condition of the road.

Motorcycle Accident Laws in New York

Typically, no fault law governs car accidents in New York. No-Fault law allows injured parties to recover medical expenses, lost earnings, and incidental expenses from their insurance company, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. However, the no fault law does not apply to accidents involving motorcycles because the law views them as inherently dangerous.

New York law provides a few exceptions for motorcyclists who are involved in an accident. To file a claim after an accident, drivers operating passenger vehicles must prove that they sustained serious injuries. However, motorcyclists involved in an accident are not subject to this requirement. Motorcyclists may file a claim for damage resulting from their accident even after sustaining only minor injuries. However, those injured in a motorcycle accident in Long Island, New York have only three years from the date the accident occurred to file a claim.

Contact An Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Seeking treatment as soon as possible will increase your chances of making a full recovery and recovering your financial losses. We at The New York Personal Injury & No-fault Collections Law Firm know that injuries can range from minor to severe, even fatal in the worst cases. The experienced team at our firm will fight for your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. To discuss your case with our team, please feel free to call 1-833-TONALAW today. You can also contact us online.