New York Electrocution Injury Lawyer

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Electrocution Injury Attorney

Safety should be the first priority for you and you’re family, whether it is at your job, or working around the house. Unfortunately, accidents happen. If you or someone you know has been injured in an electrical accident then we should talk. Electrical shock injuries are far too common of an injury type in and around the densely populated areas of Long Island and New York City.

An electrical shock injury can occur upon contact with any source of voltage high enough to cause sufficient current flow through the muscles or the nerves of the human body. Electrical shock injuries tend to result from an accident at the workplace, although some cases do result from an accident at home.

Throughout the United States, more than 30,000 non-fatal electric shock accidents occur each year.

Electrocution Injury Attorney

You Have a Right to Compensation!

If you are suffering from an injury, which resulted from an electrical shock either at home or in the workplace, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. At TonaLaw, we help our clients recover from electrical shock injuries caused but not limited to:

• Touching hot electrical wires at work after being informed that the power had been turned off
• Other workers negligently turning the power back on without checking to see if anyone else was still working or advising co-workers of their own actions in regards to turning the power on and off
• Power lines negligently severed or live wires left exposed by contractors or general contractors
• Exposure to an electric current due to any other person who has used or provided substandard, poorly designed, or poorly manufactured materials

Get a free electrical shock case evaluation to review your rights and determine your grounds for a lawsuit.

We Will Fight for You and Your Loved Ones

Our attorneys at TonaLaw have experience handling claims involving all types of electrical shock injuries including but not limited to burns, catastrophic injuries, and wrongful death. Our Long Island law firm has a combined 40+ years of litigation experience with a track record of uncompromising ethics that instills confidence and trust with all of our clients. We provide superior legal services for all electrical shock cases throughout Long Island, New York City, and New York State.

The TonaLaw Advantage

We are a client-first practice. Our attorneys and support staff utilize our extensive legal experience and litigation acumen to represent personal injury clients aggressively, always seeking all remedies available to our clients under the law. TonaLaw is a No Fee Law Firm – We get paid when we win your case!
If you or a loved one are suffering from an electrical shock injury due to the negligence of another, contact us today at (631) 780-5355 or toll-free at 1-833-TONALAW or by filling in the form below for a Free Case Evaluation.

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