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AED Lawyers and Heart Attacks in Public Places

With 250,000 Americans dying from sudden heart attacks each year, this is an important topic. The state of New York has laws in place, “Automatic External Defibrillator” liability laws, addressing the need for a fast response to sudden heart attacks…

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury & You

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries The most underreported, underdiagnosed, and underestimated head injury by far is a concussion or mild TBI. Many of these head injuries, also known as mild traumatic brain injuries or MTBI, are caused by a bump or…

To Settle or Not to Settle?

At TonaLaw, we carefully go through every possible outcome of your personal injury case.  There are usually 6 different outcomes of a trial, versus a settlement. If we DO decide a settlement is the best option, we look at…

  • April 12, 2018
  • Thomas Tona
  • FAQ

All About Lacerations & Lawsuits

The term “laceration” implies a torn or jagged wound, commonly misused in reference to incisions. Lacerations tend to be caused by sharp objects or blunt trauma that separates the connective tissue elements. Deep lacerations that require the medical attention of a hospital can…

Herniated and Bulging Discs

According to the New York Times, 8 out of 10 people have some type of a backache. Herniated or bulging discs are common injuries resulting most frequently from these types of accidents: It is our law firms experience from assessing a wide…

1 in 3 Suffer from Neglect in Nursing Homes

ABC recently uncovered that 1 in 3 elderly patients at nursing homes suffer from some type of neglect. Many of these cases result in the patients suffering from pressure ulcers. Our attorneys at TonaLaw take on personal injury cases involving nursing home abuse where…

Dog Bites & Animal Attacks

Nearly 7,000 children and teens are injured due to dog bites every year in New York. Around 200 of those victims are hurt badly enough to require serious medical attention, including hospitalization.  Nationwide, attacks by vicious dogs are an…

Scarring and Disfigurement

Scarring and disfigurement caused by the negligence of another entitles you to fair and full compensation for your injuries. When a person suffers scarring & disfigurement as a result of an accident caused by a negligent party or parties,…