New York Article 28 Facilities No-Fault Collection Lawyer

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Article 28 Facilities No-Fault Collection Attorney

The Law Office of TonaLaw will save you time and money by collecting your improperly denied no-fault medical bills. Hiring a no-fault collections law firm enables you to focus on providing the most billable service hours possible. We are a no-fee law firm, all of our fees are fixed by statute and paid for by the insurance companies. If we don’t win, you don’t pay, we bear all the risk.

As an Article 28 Multi-Discipline Facility, it is your priority to provide the highest level of service. Many facilities are not aware that payment for services provided is protected under NYS No-Fault Insurance Law. No-fault insurance companies have made it extremely difficult to receive payments. They find every excuse possible to deny payments, even claims that are lawfully owed to you. Let us deal with them, while you run your business.

All entities formed under Article 28 are regulated and governed by the NYS Department of Health. Billing for facility fees and sub-specialties operating under the license can be complex enough without dealing with delays in cash flow due to improper denials of your No-Fault bills. It is important to deal with a law firm versed in the controlling No-Fault statutes and the underlying medical treatments you are billing for.

During the initial consultation, our attorneys will inform you of the legal rights and remedies available to Article 28 Multi-Discipline Facilities under New York State Insurance Law.

Article 28 Facilities No-Fault Collection Attorney

Our No-Fault Process

We make our no-fault collection process as easy and effortless as possible. To begin, a no-fault attorney will come to your office to advise your case and collect information to begin the process. The no-fault checklist below identifies the documents you should have available during our initial visit.

No-Fault Checklist

1. Assignment of benefits

2. Outstanding bills, a billing ledger and proof of mailing if available

3. Corresponding denials

4. All medical records, reports, notes, and exams you have on the patient pertaining to the date of the accident

5. A letter of medical necessity for treatment and/or a rebuttal letter to the peer review/ IME (optional but recommended)

About the Firm

The attorneys and support staff at TonaLaw represent us with the utmost integrity and respect. Collectively, we have successfully collected no-fault receivables for over 38 years and created a process where our goal is to get you paid in 210 days or less! Payments from the insurance companies can start arriving in as little as 30 days from the date your claim is filed.

TonaLaw serves clients throughout the state of New York from our main office in Suffolk County in Islip, NY. In addition to serving hundreds of healthcare providers, our Suffolk County Law Office successfully closes 2,500 + no-fault cases each year.

Call 1-833-TONALAW or fill out the form below to get speak with a no-fault collections lawyer today!

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