Increase your revenue and treat more patients by collecting on wrongfully denied No-Fault claims.

TonaLaw has been working with healthcare providers in New York for over 24 years. Many healthcare providers do not know how much they are owed in No-Fault receivables, or even for how long this money is owed to them for treating their injured patients.

This complimentary e-book provides answers to frequently asked questions so that you, the healthcare provider, can continue to treat your patients and get the money you are owed. We hope that it helps you and provides peace of mind about your healthcare business and New York No-State Insurance.

Download for free today.

    I started sending my No-Fault collections to TonaLaw in 2015. I sent over 6 cases throughout that year. By February 2017, I received the check for the last case I sent over. Upon final calculations, I received 92.4% of the balances! And to think that I was “happy” with the 80% I received from the last firm I used!

    – Matthew A.

    We hear many of the same questions when working with Neurologists, Chiropractors, Orthopedic Surgeons, and Pain Management Physicians, including the following:

    • What is No-Fault Insurance?
    • Who is Covered Under No-Fault?
    • How Long Does an Insurance Carrier Have to Pay or Deny a Bill?
    • Can I Be Reimbursed for Treatment After An Independent Medical Exam (IME) When The Carrier Has Denied Benefits?
    • What is the 12-Unit Rule?
    • What Documents Do I Need to Submit a Claim to Arbitration?

    This complimentary e-book provides answers these frequently asked questions, and more!