TonaLaw Case Studies

Car Accidents

Drunk Driving Accident/Dram Shop Case. This case involved a high-speed impact by a drunk driver to the rear of the vehicle our client was a passenger in. The bar was sued in addition to the drunk driver as well as the driver of the host vehicle. Click for full settlement details.

The client was seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, where liability was heavily contested. Due to this dispute and the severity of the client’s injuries, TonaLaw initiated litigation. Click for full settlement details.

The client was westbound on the Belt Parkway when the client was rear-ended. The client suffered multiple injuries and underwent surgery for her wrist injury. TonaLaw obtained a settlement of the full amount of the underlying negligent party’s policy and then filed a SUM arbitration. Click for full settlement details.

The client suffered a shoulder tear after his vehicle was struck by a vehicle exiting a parking lot. Within six months, we obtained the full policy for the client. One month after that, we obtained an additional settlement from the client’s SUM policy. Click for full settlement details.

While stopped at a red light the client was rear-ended. She required arthroscopic surgery 2 years later for her hip injuries. The insurance carrier’s position was that the hip injury was not related to the accident. Click for full settlement details.

The offending vehicle disregarded a red traffic signal, colliding with our client’s vehicle. After a failed attempt at mediation with a low offer from the carrier, TonaLaw moved forward with litigation. After lengthy negotiations, this matter was settled pre-trial. Click for full settlement details.

The client was rear-ended while a passenger in a taxi. He suffered from disc bulges at 4 levels in the lumbar spine, which is uncommon for someone so young in age. Without going into litigation, Tonalaw negotiated the claim with the insurance representative. Due to the injuries from the accident TonaLaw was able to receive the full policy tender. Click for full settlement details.

Pedestrian Accident

The client was trying to cross the street and stepped off the curb and was hit by a car that was parallel parking. TonaLaw initiated litigation. Prior to depositions we entered into extensive negotiations and were able to procure a near full policy settlement. Click for full settlement details.

Our client was getting his car cleaned at a Suffolk County car wash. As the client was waiting, an oncoming car that was being operated by a car wash employee, struck him. Due to the severity of the injuries endured, the client was no longer able to live independently, as he did prior to the accident. After extensive negotiation, Attorney Thomas Tona continued to move forward with the litigation, substituting the client’s estate in the action. A settlement was reached on the eve of trial. Click for full settlement details.

Bus Accident

Our client was struck by a school bus and received serious head and brain injuries. The defendant heavily disputed responsibility for the accident. Click for full settlement details.

Premises Liability

One of our clients tripped and fell over a carpet placed at the entrance display of a department store in Melville, New York. Our client suffered a right elbow fracture from the fall, leading to medical expenses including pain and suffering. Click for full settlement details.

No-Fault Case Studies

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