Do you know what a needle mover is? If not, this episode dives right into it. At The New York Personal Injury & No-fault Collections Law Firm, P.C, we believe so strongly in the needle mover concept that we have needle mover meetings every Monday morning.

In today’s episode, we discuss what a needle mover is, how Tom discovered the concept and what they mean to him, and what people can do to identify their own needle movers.

Knowing what your needle movers are will drastically improve your career and personal life.

In this episode, you will hear about:

  • What a needle mover is
  • The top three needle movers in Tom’s career and personal life
  • Tom’s advice to help people identify the needle movers in their life

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The Top Three Needle Movers

A needle mover is any action item that can move the needle closer to a goal you have set for yourself, whether in your career or personal life. At The New York Personal Injury & No-fault Collections Law Firm, P.C, we believe so strongly in the needle mover concept that we have needle mover meetings every Monday morning. 

In episode 4 of Leading Counsel, we discuss what a needle mover is, how Tom discovered the concept and what they mean to him, and what people can do to identify their own needle movers. Below are the top three needle movers Tom believes in the most.

1. Culture

In Tom’s business, the biggest needle mover for him has always been establishing the core values and culture. 30-50% of his time goes into protecting the firm’s culture. The team is what has gotten him to this point and what will help him reach the upcoming goals. We must live our culture every day and protect it at all costs. If you are not putting your people and the culture first, you will not win.

2. Coaching 

Coaching has been a tremendous help to Tom in both his personal and professional development. For example, when he was younger, he wanted a family but went out to bars after work. His counselor helped him get his life aligned with his goals. Coaching also provides accountability. You may not be able to see how you are damaging your progress, but a therapist might.

3. Mindset

Your mindset is everything. There are two types – growth and fixed. In a growth mindset, you are open-minded, inquisitive, and answer-seeking. You are willing to learn. A person with a fixed mindset is a know it all and closed off to new ideas.

Knowing what your needle movers are will drastically improve your career and personal life.